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Friday, August 5, 2011


My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. 
James 1:19-20

One of the toughest challenges we face as mothers is patience. I've always been told, "Don't pray for patience! God will give you an opportunity to practice it!" 

I know every morning my four year old son tests mine. He, not unlike myself, is not a morning person. He wakes up protesting brushing his teeth before even crawling out of bed. Before he is even served breakfast he has asked if he has to take a bath, has to get dressed or has to brush his teeth. Every morning he whines, "I don't feel good..." and attempts crawling back in bed. His feet drag, he is unmotivated, and he is groggy. He sits staring at his cereal bowl, uninterested, until it is mushy and unedible. He cries because, before even testing the bath water, he knows it is too cold or too hot. He is tight lipped as we try to brush his teeth and whines as we comb his hair. He wants to wear his shoes with cleats as opposed to his school shoes and is angry that he can't wear his iron man helmet to Pre-K. As we walk to the car, he claims he can't carry his own school bag because it is too heavy and won't pick his feet up as he walks. I am on edge and don't know how many times I've said, "Hurry up," and my frustration is building. 

On the way to "school" I feel convicted about my impatience with him. I know these moments are fleeting when he will want to cuddle with me in the mornings, need me to tie his shoes, or will let me kiss him dozens of times or hold my hand. Why am I in such a rush?

It is something I have to practice daily. Patience....

Over the month of September we will be going over patience. Below are some of the questions we will discuss in small groups. Please feel free to post answers to these questions in the comment section below. Do you have any scripture that helps you through your frustration? Do you have recommended reading or advice? We welcome past experiences, advice and recommendations!

Discussion Questions :
• What causes you to really lose your patience with your kiddos?
• Would you describe yourself as patient? Why or Why Not?
• What is something you can do for a single day to practice patience with your children?
• What are some recognizable signals that indicate  you're about to lose your patience?
• When you recognize those signals, what can you do to intentionally practice patience?

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